• +256-393-194062
  • info@ecouganda.org
  • Plot 1926, Ktaliwajjala Zone A

Improved livelihoods, Food Security, and Nutrition for agro-pastoral communities at risk of human trafficking in Nabilatuk and Napak Districts


The project funded by AWO International seeks to improve agricultural productivity, consumption of micronutrient-rich foods, utilization of community-based nutrition and FP/SRHR services and reduce household vulnerability to human trafficking among smallholder agro-pastrol households at risk of human trafficking of Nabilatuk and Napak Districts, Karamoja Region. The project works in remote and underserved communities targeting 6 villages i.e. Napayan, Nakudep and Napongae South located in 2 parishes of Lokaala and Nakobekobe in the subcounty of Nabilatuk in Nabilatuk District and Naturumurum ,Loyep camp, Lomaratoit is located in 3 parishes of Tepeth ,Namendera and Iriri in the sub-county of Iriri in Napak district.

Main objective

Agro-pastoral communities at risk of human trafficking in Nabilatuk and Napak districts have improved livelihoods, food security and nutrition and are resilient to the effects of climate change.

Specific Objectives

Communities have increased food and nutrition security and are resilient to the effects of climate change

 Agro-pastrol households at risk of human trafficking have increased incomes and enhanced livelihoods.

The household vulnerability for human trafficking risks and unmet need for family planning among Agro-pastrol communities is reduced.

Project target groups and stakeholders

The project benefits directly 240 households comprising of 1440 direct beneficiaries and indirect beneficiaries which include other community members ,local government district and sub county officials ,community based organisations ,community women and youth groups ,among others who are estimated to be 3460.

Planned activities

Conduct community awareness sessions on child trafficking

Conduct quarterly radio talk shows for mass awareness targeting project areas

Provide platforms through project activities for VHTs and Health workers to provide and deliver FP, SRHR, Nutrition services both at facility and community level

Establish and train 5 child SCREAM clubs to advocate against human trafficking in 5 schools


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