Plot 1926, Ktaliwajjala Zone A +256-393-194062

Open hours: 9am-6pm

Who we are - Eco Uganda

Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO)

ECO is an indigenous, Non-Governmental Organization registered in Uganda as S.5914/5509 and working towards realization of sustained livelihoods for marginalized, under-served and vulnerable groups in Uganda. Since its inception in 2005, ECO has implemented a varied portfolio of projects in the greater Karamoja region, West Nile and the L. Victoria basin. ECO’s mandate spans the entire country which, despite its abundant and quality natural resources, has a high proportion of food-insecure people living below the poverty line and contributing significantly to environmental degradation. There are, however, considerable opportunities and possibilities for economic growth and attainment of national development goals and global sustainable development goals, particularly those relating to poverty, hunger and environmental sustainability. ECO envisions an improved quality of life and sustainable livelihoods for the underserved and vulnerable groups in Uganda, through improved and sustainability-managed natural resources. ECO’s mission is to engage and empower under-served communities and vulnerable groups to realize and protect their rights and dignity in a context of sustained ecosystems and inclusive governance. Over the years, ECO has implemented projects and programs aimed at promoting natural resource governance, climate change resilience and adaptation, and ecosystems management and restoration. ECO is also at the Centre of piloting and promoting integrated approaches to national resources management like Population Health and Environment (PHE) interventions, Integrated Water Resources Management among others. ECO ensures collective local action for sustainable natural resources management in order to improve livelihoods of underserved and marginalized communities. ECO subscribes to a number of national, regional and international networks including the Climate Action Network – Uganda and International (CAN-U & I), Environment and Natural Resources Civil Society Organizations Network (ENRCSO Network), Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM), Population Health and Environment (PHE network) and International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Our Objectives

Our Values

Thriving communities living in harmony with nature”.

"To inspire and empower individuals, communities, and organizations to protect and conserve nature and biodiversity while transforming society through sustainable development”.

To harness the great potential and efforts of individuals, communities and institutions to take lead in planning, implementing and evaluating effective and sustainable development programmes.

Business Information


Plot 1926, Ktaliwajjala Zone A



Phone: +256-393-194062

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Contact Us