Multi Actor Partnerships (MAPs) for Implementing NDCs with 100% Renewable Energy (RE) for all in the Global South (WWF)
Overall goal of the project
To introduce and consolidate Multi Actor Partnerships (MAPs) with a 100% Renewable Energy (RE) target in three countries (Nepal, Uganda and Vietnam). This is in line with the objectives of Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of efforts to combat climate change.
The MAPs aim to collaboratively develop narratives on the social, environmental and economic advantages and possible implementation of 100% RE scenarios and use them through multipliers. Further, state of the art technical scenarios for 100% RE for all by 2050 will be developed and taking non-energy related GHG emissions into account. The project is led by a consortium of nine organizations (six from the project countries and three from Germany). In Uganda, the project is implemented by WWF-Uganda Country Office (WWF-UCO) in partnership with Ecological Christian Organization (ECO).The project commenced in January 2020 and ends in March 2023.
Project target stakeholders
National government. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Electricity Regulatory Authority, Rural Electrification Agency, National Planning Authority, Uganda Electricity Board, NDC Partnership Focal Point (Ministry of Water and Environment, the National Planning Authority, and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Academia. CREEC (Center for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation) and Makerere University
Development partners. NDC Partnership, GIZ, European Union
Civil society .CAN Uganda, Environment and Natural Resource CSO network, National Renewable Energy CSO Network, private sector Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy
Local authorities, parliamentarians and media.
Objectives of the project
MAP platform is established and used by stakeholders to discuss 100% RE strategies and implementation.
Policy roadmaps including technical scenarios on 100% RE as a driver for development are developed with and known by key stakeholders.
International exchange for the replication and/or transfer of 100% RE strategies is facilitated.
Planned activities
Identify suitable core group to drive the MAP platform and support the core group in establishing the platform
Develop national communication strategy
Provide capacity to MAP on specific issues
promote the MAP platform
Identify further funding opportunities
Technical Scenario on 100% RE
capacity Building on using the roadmap and the scenario
Promote outcomes of project at international fora